image library

Logo design credit = James Hutson.

Right click on the image or links to download a copy of the logo as a jpg, png or pdf.

reallybigroadtrip logo (jpg)

reallybigroadtrip logo (jpg)

Bus photos

She’s called “home, James” (or #homeJames on Twitter). All photos are under a Creative Commons License = BY (may be freely used by anyone anytime in any context providing you attribute me).

home, James

home, James

home, James

home, James

home, James at Tailem Bend, SA

home, James at Tailem Bend, SA


home, James at Milkwood Farm, Mudgee, NSW

A few more pulled in from Flickr

I’m trying to tag any photos that include her in my Flickr account, here are some of my recent faves but check there for other options too. Feel free to go grab whatever resolution you want from there, they’re all CC licensed and any credit other than me is attributed accordingly for you to share.

quietly chilling out with the thistles at Milkwood Permaculture Farm

quietly chilling out with the thistles at Milkwood Permaculture Farm

big bus, little bus - Sayraphim Lothian's knitted version of homeJames (photo by @Sayraphim)

big bus, little bus – Sayraphim Lothian’s knitted version of homeJames (photo by @Sayraphim)

magic hour for #hAbitAt at Canberra's Centennial Birthday

magic hour for #hAbitAt at Canberra’s Centennial Birthday

sunset for #hAbitAt at Canberra's Centennial Birthday celebrations

sunset for #hAbitAt at Canberra’s Centennial Birthday celebrations

during #hAbitAt at Canberra Centennial Birthday celebrations

during #hAbitAt at Canberra Centennial Birthday celebrations

setting up for #hAbitAt100 at Canberra Centennial Celebrations

setting up for #hAbitAt100 at Canberra Centennial Celebrations

For further photos of the bus or Fee (including a selection of colourful hair options), please contact me.

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