Today is July 1st. It’s the day I finally make the announcement about ending my contract at the Australia Council and the day this little adventure becomes public.
It’s not a launch, that won’t happen until September when I hit the ISEA Festival in Istanbul. But today still means something. Suddenly this thing that has been in my head for over a year, this thing that recently gained traction through the generosity of friends, well… it kind of becomes real.
So I thought now might be a good time to give newcomers a little taste of media arts. Hopefully a few of these slides will show enough of a glimpse to help you understand why it has held my fascination for the last fifteen years.
[slideshare id=8468581&doc=mediaartlive-110630080136-phpapp01]
Most slides have links from them either to the artist’s sites or to other examples of that kind of work. The final slide shows some of the projects I have been involved with. But much more on all that in due course.
For now: welcome. Grab a seat, follow me on twitter (currently @artsdigitalera but that name will change) now @feesable and Facebook, and enjoy the ride.
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