So it looks like this is actually going to happen, and sooner than I had anticipated. Eek!
This can primarily be put down to kind friends & colleagues. My lovely sister is developing a logo/wp theme for the project and I’m talking to a researcher about how to put together the questions and generally how to make silly idea in to something meaningful. More on that as things develop.
I suppose the most exciting news, though, is that I seem to have a start date! ISEA’11 is in Istanbul from Sept 14-21, and I’ve been offered a sofa with friends who are going over from here. I’m an old ISEA regular (since that was my first proper job in media arts back in 1998) so it seems perfect and beautiful that it should start this journey of reflection too. I had already set my heart on presenting these outcomes at ISEA2013 in Sydney, so it fits nicely to be a punter now and a presenter then (assuming I’m accepted!).
Following that is the third Media Art History conference, ReWire, in Liverpool (Sept 28-30). So I’ll be packing my Aussie life up in early Sept and then heading over to Europe for a while. It is a strange thought to be packing life up here to go back there. I will have lived here for three and a half years by then. This country has certainly become home and I will be extremely sad to say goodbye. I just hope it’s not for too long.