dear Australia,
Please buy this TV show concept and remake it in Australia with local talent. #jussayin
kthxbai xf
Parked up on the edge of a city suburb last night, still uncertain of the responses nomads get in this country. There’s an assumption I’ve become familiar with, that nomads are dirty scumbags, which my beautiful #homeJames helps to counter … Read more →
I was invited to be a Keynote Speaker for the MINAmobile2016 conference in Melbourne over Skype (I’m in North Wales for family reasons right now) because of my experiences running an arts org which specialised in mobile and emerging media between … Read more →
Well now. Some of you may have noticed I’ve been unusually quiet online of late. There are a few reasons for this. Partly I finally paid attention to some very wise advice, partly I’ve been overseas gaining inspiration and taking … Read more →
dear Australia,
Please buy this TV show concept and remake it in Australia with local talent. #jussayin
kthxbai xf
the-phone-book Limited Eight years before moving to Australia I co-founded an arts organisation called the-phone-book Limited with my then-partner Ben Jones. We had a grand mission statement – “create a sustainable source of revenue for the creative sector through mobile … Read more →