
I have become increasingly obsessed by The Commons and the freedoms which have been taken from humans all over the world, because: profit.

Since colonisation Australia has never recognised common land, despite otherwise adopting pretty much all of England and Wales’ legal systems. Aboriginal Australians, on the other hand, fully understand the importance of being responsible -and sharing responsibility- for the land and each other.

‘enclosure’ is a new (work-in-progress) live art performance I’ve been playing with which stems from this obsession. It can be delivered as a one-to-one or group experience.

This is the first of my projects exploring this concept and attempting to reframe our society’s obsession with ownership.

See below for some great photos from the Kiss Club event in December 2014. Kiss Club is an incredible opportunity to trial new works-in-progress with an audience who not understand the context of ‘messy space development’ but also provide feedback after experiencing it – gold! Pictures are (c) the owner and republished with permission from Amber Bateup and Tarryn Runkel.

Major kudos to Kaz Therese for the Kiss Club concept and to cia studios for hosting me there.

'enclosure' at Kiss Club, Dec 2014. (c) Amber Bateup

UPDATE April 2016: This post by Joe Brewer, “The Global Architecture of Wealth Extraction“, explains Enclosure in far better, more articulate, specific detail than I ever could. A fantastic read… with infographics!

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