Geeks, Arts and Activism: a Call to Arms

As I’ve been travelling the country learning about effective organising and social change (and especially working alongside First Nations communities) I’ve been constantly asking myself “what can creative technology thinking bring to all this?” I have a few ideas myself, obviously, but one thing I have always been so grateful for is my incredible network of super-smart people. So I’m doing the cleverest thing I can think of – asking them what they think.

For those who don’t know, I’ve been centralising that part of my social media world into a thing called Sunday Afternoon Activists Club. It started out as a book club but I’m always keen to play with models and I have a long history of public speaking and collaboration labs, so… welcome to “Geeks, Arts and Activism: a Call to Arms“.

The full blurb from the (Facebook) event is pasted below, fyi. This one is in Perth next Weds, 7th Oct, and I’ll continue them as I travel.

When: 6pm for a 6.30pm start. Weds 7th Oct 2015.
Where: Vic Park Mini Lab, 874 Albany Highway, Perth.

Fee Plumley has been a Media Arts agitator for almost two decades. In that time our western society’s leaders have revealed some questionable concepts of a humane society. If the “geek will inherit the earth”, isn’t it our nerdy responsibility to make sure there’s actually an earth left to inherit?

This is a call to arms: let’s build a geek social change army equipped with the tools and networks to collaborate with and support the growth of decentralised networks locally, nationally and internationally. It’s all broken; bring out your nerds.

In this informal session generously hosted by Enkel and the Vic Park Mini Lab, Fee will present a few of her favourite Media Arts and creative activism examples to get the ball rolling. From there we’ll chat about how an Internet of Things* approach could help us collectively translate slacktivism** into direct meaningful social change outcomes.

This is a short-notice event as Fee lives in a bus and has to drive back to South Australia next week. The dialogue we begin together here will be taken through to other Maker and Hacker Spaces as she travels around the country. Join our geek social change army physically here or online via Sunday Afternoon Activists Club:

In the true spirit of DIY maker culture, please feel free to BYO drinks & snacks :)

* Internet of Things = the physicalisation of the ephemeral internet.
** Slacktivism = passive activists who click to sign petitions but don’t tend to take things much further.

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