dear Australia,
Please buy this TV show concept and remake it in Australia with local talent. #jussayin
kthxbai xf
#busmod, a set on Flickr. the continued journey for #rbrtOZ #busmod :) The above is a selection. The full Flickr set shows the ‘before shots’ and ones I’ve been taking to document the re-spray process. Hopefully we’ll be painting her … Read more →
dear Australia,
Please buy this TV show concept and remake it in Australia with local talent. #jussayin
kthxbai xf
…in which we learn that the bus is big enough for a double bed!
On Friday afternoon Geoff and Tim (my busmod dreamteam) came to have a look at the bus. With the festival season looming both are getting crazy-busy. Limited time and budgets mean the plan is to keep everything very basic to begin … Read more →
Around 12noon on Monday 12th of November, 2012, Jimmy turned to me and said, “so, are you interested?”. I looked at him, eyes wide with an overwhelming emotional blend of excitement, awe and nerves… and said, categorically: “Yes”.