The first Nomadic Fab Lab went really well & personally proved to me that reallybigroadtrip is A Good Idea! I’m a bit late with this, but wanted to share some of the output plus the next round (which are, um, already underway, oops).
(I’m going to do this the wrong way round so you get to see the upcoming events first… yeah I know, a bit odd but there are quite a few photos to share from the first one!)
Part two – schedule
The dates/times for the second round of FREE “Fab Lab Show & Tell” sessions are as follows:
11am Mon 13th May – Naracoorte Library.
11am Tues 14th May – Mount Gambier Library.
2pm Weds 15th May – Millicent Library.
11am Thurs 16th May – Robe Library.
11am Fri 17th May – Bordertown Library.
Part one – summary
Alison Kershaw from DFEEST (who funded the Fab Lab Adelaide pilot) and I travelled to Gawler, Clare, Berri, Burra and Murray Bridge. We met 125 people who were all very excited to either see a 3D printer in the ‘flesh’ or extremely delighted to see that there were others within their own community who were enjoying playing with the process in addition to themselves.
Here’s a few images from our journey (all photos by me unless otherwise stated):
We were on ABC Riverland radio and met one of the ABC OPEN Producers and were in a whole bunch of local newspaper articles including Northern Argus “Clare Library staff like the look of the 3D printing system” and “3D Printing is just Fab“.
It was FUN, we met some LOVELY people & hopefully this will be the first of many partnership trips between reallybigroadtrip & Fab Lab Adelaide. Now to just find a sustainable business model…